Increased MySQL queries

Host dynamic MySQL tables effortlessly

In addition to considerably greater CPU allocations, our Linux semi-dedicated servers are available with a large amount of allotted MySQL queries. This can help you hold more resource-consuming apps and web sites without needing to concern yourself with any eventual service hiccups.

Our Linux semi-dedicated servers are loaded with different allocations of MySQL queries, which enables you to select the configuration that fits your current and potential database processing needs.

Increased MySQL queries

USA Data Center

A top-of-the-line USA data center

All Linux semi-dedicated servers are in our top-class data center in USA based in Chicago, Illinois. It was among the very few US data center entities that made it possible for us to use our unique internal network and also the only one that could provide the hardware we needed in due time. It likewise has a very good support team, which is at hand 7 days a week.

Another excellent benefit of Integrated Solutions’s data center in USA is that it offers wonderful network connectivity with the rest of the world. As a consequence of that, all US Linux semi-dedicated servers are going to experience the best web site loading rates.

USA Data Center

Increased CPU quotas

More power for your applications and sites

The Linux semi-dedicated servers offer you a larger percentage of the main server's CPU in comparison with standard shared web hosting accounts where you share this crucial server asset with lots of people. This will release more operating power for your resource-consuming web sites that must accept a bigger number of website visitors. In addition, this could minimize any probable service hiccups that could take place when you go over the low CPU quotas on a normal website hosting account.

Increased CPU quotas

Control Panel

Command your sites with a single click of your mouse

It’s now simple and easy to manage your sites with the new–generation Applications Installer that we have developed exclusively for you with ease of usage into account. Manage your data with smooth drag–n–drop steps, register, transfer and handle a plenty of domains from one and the same location, make mail accounts straight away, manage mailing list activities easily and quickly, create and open your databases with a mouse–click, observe site statistics live, etcetera). Enhanced tools like a framework installer, an .htaccess generation tool and a hotlink protection application are added too.

Control Panel

Remote MySQL Access

Remote connecting to your data bases

In case you have got a database which you have to share through various websites positioned on various physical machines and with different website hosting service providers, you will be able to make use of the Remote MySQL option. By using it, you will be able to allow connection to your database to diverse sites that you trust. This is really valuable should you have a database of clients that you want to share among various electronic stores.

Remote MySQL Access

NVMe Drives

Immediately enhance the quickness of your site

Should you intend to give your web site a performance boost, all you need to do is just web host it with us. All of our semi-dedicated services are provided with NVMe drives, which means that on each server you will enjoy unique read/write speeds, which will help your site load considerably faster.

Added to the awesome online connectivity available from our data center in USA, your web site will instantly start operating speedier with no need for any changes on your end.

NVMe Drives

24x7 Support

E–mail us round–the–clock

You may let us know 24/7/365 with any questions that you might have as related to our semi-dedicated services. Do not hesitate to write to us by using email and via the ticketing system and we are going to post back to you in up to an hour. Actually, our normal response time period is under 20 min. On trading days, you may ring us or use the live chat service on our site.

24x7 Support