The disk space feature shows the full capacity of data that you're able to have on a cloud hosting server at any time. With a personal computer, for example, this is the capacity of your hdd or the overall capacity of all hard disks in the event that the PC has more than a single one. The same way that your space on a PC is shared between installed software, documents, music and the like, the server storage space is ordinarily shared between website files, databases and email messages. Every file, folder or email message takes some space on your server, which means you should think about a variety of factors, not only the size of the files that you upload. To give an example, having large e-mail attachments or having a script-driven internet site where the user-generated info is located in a database will also affect the space you are using.
Disk Space in Cloud Hosting
In order to match the processing performance behind our cloud web hosting packages, we've taken into consideration and integrated the very best solution regarding the disk space - your hosting account will not be generated on a single server, but on a cluster platform. Because of this, what we have developed is an entire collection of servers which is focused on the file storing only, consequently you should never concern yourself with running out of space and having to switch to some additional server since your present one can not accommodate more data. When more space is needed, all we need to do is attach more machines to our cluster, so that the hard disk space is limitless. Of course, all our cloud services were made to be used for websites, not for a collection of large files. We also have distinct machines for all of the databases and the email messages.
Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Our semi-dedicated server packages have "disk space" as a feature only to highlight that it is completely unlimited. We were able to achieve that with the help of a groundbreaking, custom cloud hosting system, where your files, emails and databases will be located on separate clusters of servers. We are able to add additional hard disks or entire servers to any of the clusters and at any time, plus our web hosting Control Panel was designed to support such a platform. In comparison, the vast majority of Control Panels on the web hosting market can function only on a single server, and irrespective of what the majority of companies promote, they actually make a multitude of accounts on just a single machine. With a semi-dedicated server package from our company, you'll never have to worry about hard disk space restrictions and you will be able to concentrate on expanding your web sites.
Disk Space in VPS
With our VPS, we provide a lot of disk storage for your content that matches the rest of the server capabilities, which means that a better plan comes with a greater quota. You are able to use the space as you can see fit, since there're no pre-defined allocations for your web site files, emails or databases - all of them share the entire storage space on your server. Of course, if you would like to have some restrictions, you are able to purchase your VPS package with cPanel or DirectAdmin as the hosting Control Panel, and then you'll be able to generate website hosting accounts with a fixed volume of hard disk storage for every individual domain that you host on your server. If you'd like to have extra storage space someday, you're able to quickly update your plan with a few mouse-clicks and then the additional features will be added to your existing account, so you will not have to move anything at all and all your sites will stay operational.
Disk Space in Dedicated Hosting
All our dedicated hosting services feature several hard drives to suit the processing power that you will get, so you will never need to worry for not having enough hdd space. The hard drives can be used in RAID, meaning that one drive can be used as a copy of another so as to ensure that all of your info will always be secured, alternatively it can be used as a stand alone for even bigger overall storage capability. Many hundreds of gigabytes of disk storage will be at your disposal all of the time, so you'll be able to manage enormous websites, upload big files and copy your personal archive. Considering that a dedicated server is the most powerful type of hosting, you'll be able to upload/download files with ultra fast speeds. When necessary, we also provide you with the option to add more hard disks and make use of even more storage space for your content. We provide 3 hosting Control Panels with our dedicated servers - when you use Hepsia, all domain names will share the total server space and they will be operated in one place, while with DirectAdmin and cPanel you'll have the possibility to set up distinct web hosting accounts with pre-defined disk space quotas for every single domain name hosted on your server.