Service Uptime Guarantee
What exactly are service uptime guarantees? Just how do you take advantage of them?
In most cases clients check just the features they'll get with a given cloud hosting plan and tend to forget something just as critical - the service uptime. As effective as a plan can be, frequent downtimes may result in lower search engine ranking positions and lost customers whatever the explanation for them is. Of course, not many people would come back to a site that is not available half the time, not mentioning the wasted money in case you have invested in an advertising campaign. This is why, when you acquire a new web hosting package, you should ensure that the service shall be stable and your Internet sites will be online 24/7. This means a boost in traffic, or in case you have an online store, for instance, higher uptime means more satisfied clients.
Service Uptime Guarantee in Cloud Hosting
With a
cloud hosting account from our company, you will be able to enjoy 99.9% server uptime. We've virtually wiped out the downtime due to the fact that we use an advanced cloud hosting platform and we do not run everything on a single server as most suppliers do. As an alternative, we run every single service on an individual group of servers, so your files, email messages, databases, etcetera, are going to be handled by separate servers. This way, we are able to also balance the load a lot more efficiently and guarantee the stable functioning of your Internet sites at all times. The accessibility of the servers is guaranteed by a couple of backbone Internet providers and diesel backup generators, so your internet sites are going to be working no matter what. We also have experts overseeing the web servers 24 hours a day, including weekends and holidays, and they'll handle any unexpected problem that may appear.
Service Uptime Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting
We guarantee 99.9% uptime for every single
semi-dedicated server package acquired through our company. Forget about your site being offline for some reason since we use a top-notch cloud internet hosting platform with a custom-built load balancing system. As opposed to managing everything on just a single web server and risking one service to take everything down, we have now spread the many services among their own sets of web servers. In other words, your databases, files, e-mails, stats, etc., are addressed by separate clusters, therefore the failure of one machine will have no effect on the overall service or on your Internet sites. A variety of backbone Internet providers and diesel-powered backup generators ensure that infrastructural problems won't affect your websites either. We also have hardware and software firewalls and a qualified team of administrators to check the incoming & outgoing traffic and to respond to every single software issue 24/7.
Service Uptime Guarantee in VPS
The service uptime will never be a problem if you get a
virtual private server from us. The physical server in which your account will be created will be operational no less than 99.9% of the time and this includes repairs and maintenance procedures, so you are able to take advantage of a speedy and incredibly dependable website hosting service all the time. To prevent any possibility of service interruptions, our data centers use multiple Internet service providers and powerful diesel generators to make certain that nothing will affect the good work of your Internet sites. We've got a team of competent admins which will resolve promptly any software issues that may appear, while hardware issues are avoided through the use of new and thoroughly tested hosting server parts and hard disks working in RAID. In the event of DDoS attacks, we have software and hardware firewalls to filter the unwelcome traffic to your web server.
Service Uptime Guarantee in Dedicated Hosting
If you get a
dedicated server from our company, we guarantee that it's going to be functioning at least 99.9% of the time. To begin with, your web hosting server will be designed with new and meticulously tested hardware components and we'll not make any compromises about that. Our data center in the town center of Chicago has powerful diesel backup generators, so in the case of an outage your machine will still be operational and with several redundant Internet providers, your web sites are going to be available if there's any connection difficulty. In case there is any unexpected circumstances, we have experienced sysadmins which monitor all hosting servers constantly and they can take action immediately to eliminate the issue in a very timely manner. Last in sequence, but not last in importance, our web servers have hardware and software firewalls to stop the excess traffic when it comes to a DDoS attack.