FrontPage Extensions
What are the Microsoft FrontPage Extensions? Just what exactly are they employed for?
FrontPage Extensions are system files that have to be available on a web server in order for certain features of sites designed with Microsoft FrontPage to work correctly. If these files are not on the server, the Internet sites will still function, but with limited capabilities and they may display errors from time to time. In addition, if your web hosting provider has FrontPage Extensions on their servers, you can publish your content from the program, eliminating the necessity to employ any kind of third-party FTP client to upload files. All you should do is to enter you hosting account FTP information in the FrontPage settings and the software will do the rest. Future updates can be done in exactly the same way, making FrontPage an excellent choice for people with minimum or no experience.
FrontPage Extensions in Cloud Hosting
You're able to build and upload your site using FrontPage, since all
cloud services that we provide support FrontPage Extensions. Even though many other providers stop the support for this feature, we allow you to choose if you will continue using FrontPage or you will switch to a different website design application and we have no plans for this to change. As soon as you log in to your Hepsia Control Panel, that will be used to manage your brand new web hosting account, you can enable FrontPage extensions for any domain name that you host or subdomain that you create with barely 2 clicks. The feature is enabled straight away and our system will include the FrontPage Extensions system files in the selected folder, so that you're able to proceed and upload your website files without any hassle. In case you prefer to switch to a different app for your site, disabling FrontPage Extensions is just as simple.
FrontPage Extensions in Semi-dedicated Hosting
FrontPage Extensions is among the attributes which are included with our
semi-dedicated services. Unlike other hosting service providers, we have decided not to stop it and to leave the choice of website design application for you. FrontPage Extensions can be enabled for a particular domain name or subdomain, not for the account as a whole, therefore our system will place the required system files just in the folder where you need them, while in other folders you can install any script-driven app or work with any other web design software for a website which will be either an addition to the main one or a standalone one. It'll take you just a few clicks to activate FrontPage Extensions from the Hosted Domains area of the Hepsia Control Panel which is featured with the semi-dedicated accounts and it's just as quick to deactivate them. When you use our hosting solutions, you will not have to waste years of work in case you had hosted your website with a different company so far.